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House Crow
Corvus splendens is also known as house crow. They have Asian origin and are the ordinary member of the family of crow. But now they not only found in Asia but also in some parts of the world. They are greynecked. The house crows is native to the Indian subcontinent. They are recognized by the grey color on their neck and is a medium sized crow.
They particularly nest in the large trees area. Their nests are mostly located on the large trees. They use twigs and some sticks for the building of their nests. The wings, tail and neck of the house crows are large. There are some variations in their color as according to their regional areas in which they live. Mostly they stay active all over the day. The species similar to corvus splendens are ravens and Australian native crows. They also cause damage to some fruits and grains.
According to some estimates the population of the house crow is approximately 34 million. This 34 million population live in urban and rural areas. Estimates show that around 19 million birds of house crow lives in urban areas while on the other hand around 15 million birds of the house crow lives in rural areas.
IUCN Status
Due to extremely wide range, this species does not approach threshold for Vulnerable under criterion of range size (range of occurrence <20000 km2 including population size, fluctuating or declining range, habitat extent and small number of location and fragmentation). Its population appears to be stable and species don’t approach the threshold of Vulnerable under criterion of population trend (> 30 % fall over ten year or three generation).
Population size has not been yet quantified against the threshold for Vulnerable under criterion of population size (< 10000 mature and interbreeding individuals with continuous decline of 10 % in 10 years). Keeping in view, these reasons the species has been categorized as Least Concern.
House crow builds nest from sticks in hidden places on a large tress which has wide crown but rarely on power poles and construction structures. They give mostly 3 to 6 eggs in a nest and make another nest to lay more eggs but on the same tree. Their eggs are pale blue-green speckled with the brown color. In Asian countries, their nest are sometime occupied by other bird such as Asia Koel. The Corvus splendens found in numerous number but their population is slightly decreased. They are such species which falls in the category of low conservation. Their population was decreased either due to some disease and their loss in some areas are severe.