Red Collared Dove



Local Names



DNA Barcode
The Red Collared Dove is a small pigeon which breeds in Asia and winters throughout temperate Europe. The male has an orange head with brown body plumage, while females are plainer on brown tones similar to those of larger Euraseal Crailed Doves. They inhabit open spaces mainly near trees or bushes but not necessarily close together; they're typically found around human habitation where there's ample opportunity for hunting (especially during winter). These doves tend towards being medium size birds measuring 16 inches long overall - including their 14-inch wingspan. Female red collared doves may be confused with other collared-doves, but they are smaller with a shorter tail. Red collared doves often forage in pairs, but they may congregate in flocks when feeding. These birds primarily eat seeds, but they will also consume insects and young leaves. Red collared doves get their name from the distinctive red coloration on their necks. These birds are found in tropical Asia, where they breed year-round. Red collared doves typically build their nests in tree cavities or on cliffs. These birds are not currently considered to be at risk of extinction. The name of this bird commemorates the German town of Tranquebar. It is a resident breeder from India and Sri Lanka to southern China and Indonesia. This is a small dove, typically 22–24 cm in length. The sexes are similar, with grey-brown upperparts, pale cinnamon underparts and a pale cinnamon neck collar (barely visible in some birds). There is a dark line through the eye. The bill is black and the legs red. Young birds have darker plumage than adults, with dark streaks on the neck and breast. This species can easily be confused with the Red Turtle Dove which has similar plumage but a more southerly distribution and prefers habitats with taller trees where it roosts. It coexists with Red Turtle Dove in urban areas such as Colombo in Sri Lanka where they often congregate together around food sources such as open waste dumps or spillages from grain silos at ports. Red-collared Doves are gregarious and often forage in pairs or small groups rather than alone.