Guazma tomentosa



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Guazuma tomentosa is one of very important medicinal plant. It is also known as Guazuma umbifolia (commonly known as mutamba or guacimo) belonging to family Sterculiaceae. It is widely found in areas such as the Caribbean, South American, Central America, Mexico and some parts of India. More or less all of the parts of tree, containing diverse chemical constituents, were used in the treatment of various indications and pathophysiological disorders. In last few decades extensive research work had been carried out on this valuable medicinal plant. The present publication deals with up-to-date phytochemical and pharmacological review on Guazuma tomentosa. The use of medicinal plants as therapeutic agents presumably predates the earliest documented history. Guazuma tomentosa is one of very important medicinal plant. It is also known as Guazuma umbifolia (commonly known as mutamba or guacimo) belonging to family Sterculiaceae. It is widely found in areas such as the Caribbean, South American, Central America, Mexico and some parts of India. More or less all of the parts of tree, containing diverse chemical constituents, were used in the treatment of various indications and pathophysiological disorders. In last few decades extensive research work had been carried out on this valuable medicinal plant. The present publication deals with up-to-date phytochemical and pharmacological review on Guazuma tomentosa.