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Yellow-footed green Pigeon
The yellow-footed green pigeon (Treron phoenicopterus), also known as yellow-legged green pigeon, is a common species of green pigeon found in the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia. It is the state bird of Maharashtra. In Marathi, it is called Haroli or Hariyal. It is known as Haitha in Upper Assam and Haitol in Lower Assam. The species feeds on fruit, including many species of Ficus. They forage in flocks. In the early morning, they are often seen sunning on the tops of emergent trees in dense forest areas. The yellow-footed green pigeon, Treron phoenicoptera, is a widespread species of pigeons that belongs to the family Columbidae and the genus Treron. It is also commonly known as the yellow-legged green pigeon, the hariyal, and the hola. This bird species is common throughout its South Asian range, especially across India. It can also be seen in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. It inhabits forests, parks, scrublands, orchards, and gardens in foothills and lowlands. This species feeds upon fruit, mainly Ficus species, and birds forage together in flocks. Interestingly, they can often be seen sunbathing in the early morning on the treetops of dense forests. It has a bright coloration and possesses yellow legs and an orange-yellow neck. It can be identified by its gray-colored strip present on each shoulder. Both males and females look similar to each other. This bird is not really vocal, but it gives cooing whistles on occasion. Keep reading to get to know fun facts about the yellow-footed green pigeon breeding habits, population trends, feeding habits, and more!
The yellow-footed green pigeon, Treron phoenicoptera, is a species of pigeon. This bird species feeds on fruit primarily. It is an urban bird species that is quite common across its South Asian extent. It is a common sight in India, and can also be seen in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. The yellow-footed green pigeon, Treron phoenicoptera, is a common urban bird that has a widespread population in South Asia. It has been classified under the Least Concern category by the IUCN.